The MarthaLorine Foundation

As part of our social corporate responsibility initiative, we started the Martha Lorine Foundation, which is geared towards the restoration of education in some of the most impoverished neighborhoods in the nation and West Africa. Our first and main initiative is heavily geared towards Liberia, West Africa, where our founder Michelle Yancy is originally from. Our goal is to raise funds to sponsor impoverished children’s education in Africa. We as an organization plan to create scholarships from public donations, sponsorship, and partnerships to fund children’s school fees, uniforms, books, and all materials that is necessary for them to succeed. We also plan to develop different initiatives that will target many groups, such as young girls and women. We hope to empower young women to develop high self-esteem, good hygiene, and fight against social injustice, rape, sexual discrimination, and mental health. The MarthaLorine Foundation is focused on the youth, because they are the future leaders, and we believe in empowering our next generation to achieve their greatest potential for a better tomorrow.
Our Mission:
To help build pathways out of poverty for children and their families. We help to create economic opportunities that have positive effects across society through the opportunity of education. We believe that freedom from abuse and exploitation is a basic human right and strive to always provide the highest standard of care to the children and families who are in our programs. Our mission is to unite public, private and community partners to ensure the safety, health and well-being of our children and give them the opportunity to succeed.
Our vision:
Within 5-10 years we would like to build a foundation (center) in Liberia that houses goods that can assist young boys and girls in need of school supplies, food and provide assistance to their family. We would like to set up a scholarship program that pays for individual school fees two years at a time. We hope to establish a model community that ensures women and girls are on a path to prosperity within a safe environment. With implementing this foundation in Liberia, we hope to employ it’s citizens which will bring economic relief for their family. Our vision is to help enrich the lives of the individuals involved in our program, and shine a light of positivity within our communities. We know we cannot save the world alone, but we will try our best with your help and leave our footprint.